Director - Lisa Spirling
Set and Costume Designer - Sarah Beaton
Lighting Designer - Ben Jacobs
Video Designer - Philippine Laureau
Sound Designer & Composer - Richard Hammarton
Movement Director -Chi-San Howard
Writer- Andrew Thompson

“The deceptive simplicity of Sarah Beaton's design is crucial here, its curved walls the perfect blank canvas to shift easily from 60s hedonism to present day functional blandness to futuristic space bureaucracy.” - There Ought To be Clowns

“Designer Sarah Beaton’s set is all simple, smooth lines and clever lighting, which plays perfectly into Sylvia, the astronaut’s 2055 future, also acts as the ideal blank canvas for all three timeframes. In its slick minimalism, Beaton’s backdrop manages to slide the audience back and forth through the ever-shifting narrative without drawing attention to their surroundings.” - A Younger Theatre